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Build an Offline Solution to ARC-AGI with Test-Time Training
@the-architects/arc-prize-2024State-of-the-art code for solving ARC-AGI, official winner of the 2024 ARC Prize.
The ARChitectsARC-AGI Research Team
Build a solution to ARC-AGI with Evolutionary Test-Time Compute
@jeremy-berman/arc-agiA solution to ARC-AGI using Sonnet 3.5.
Build a recommendation system
@fchollet/recommendationsA flexible recommender system template using Keras 3 that can be customized for various recommendation tasks. The system uses collaborative filtering with neural embeddings and supports both user and item features.
Francois CholletAI researcher and software engineer
Build a churn prediction model
@jeremy-berman/churnA transformer-based churn prediction model.